Sunday, October 20, 2013

Same Sex Attraction

This week, we talked about same sex attraction. Some people believe that people are just born lesbian or gay. That is not the case at all. Each of us had a specific gender even before we were born. It is a part of our eternal identity. It's hard for me to believe that God would put people in the wrong body. Then He would cease to be God because he would not be perfect. If you believe in God, then I hope you agree with me on that. No one is born attracted to their same gender. Just because some girls play with trucks and some boys play with Barbies, doesn't mean they are gay or lesbian. The environment is a big factor in a child's life. I watched a documentary made about guys that were attracted to their same gender and moved away from that. They all had things in common. For each of them, when they acted on their attractions, they felt happy. They realized it was only temporary. Their childhood environment he relationship with their parents were both factors in their homosexuality. I am going to base what I say off of the documentary. They talk about boys specifically so I will too. A wounded sense of gender is one factor of homosexual feelings. For example, when boys aren't accepted by other boys, it is hard to feel a part of that group. They have a low self esteem an they feel misplaced. Another factor is bullying. A boy/man would detach from other boys when there is bullying going on. This is especially true if the bullying comes from within the family. Parent relationships are often a factor too. The men in the documentary had some sort of father hunger. They were in some ways disconnected with their father whether physically or emotionally. They form a deeper connection with their mother without the male figure in their life. There is also "mother confusion". When the father figure is not there, it is easy for the mother to connect with the son so deeply, but also be smothering or getting over involved. Another factor is inappropriate touch or lacking touch at all. All of these men were sexually abused at one point in time. This contributed to their feelings. Pornography was also a factor. Pornography can enforce some of the imagery that might come along with homosexual feelings. It can also introduce thoughts and feelings that weren't there before. These factors can lead to same sex attraction. People aren't born that way. Often times people don't want to have these feelings. All of these factors lead to a misunderstanding in feelings and if understood, can help a person understand why they feel the way they do and find a solution.

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